Your Favorites Skincare Products May be Causing Your Skin Allergies

"What you put on your skin matters". More and more people have become aware of the toxic chemicals that are in personal care products such as bath soaps, shampoos, shower gels, body washes, face creams, lotions and even foundation make up.
Is your skin allergic to almost everything that is applied to it? Topical steroids are the most commonly prescribed medications for the treatment of skin rash, eczema, and psoriasis. Over the last 14 years some parents have reached out to us looking for a better solution to help their child's skin sensitivities because the prescribed creams have not helped in clearing up or even relieving their child's skin condition. Parents are often advised to use products like "Aveeno" because oats have been know to soothe the skin when used in a bath. What is overlooked is the ingredients in such products. Ingredients like: dimethicone, ispropyl palmitate, petrolatum, parrafin along with others which only help to create an emulsion. These products do not contain a natural oil such as olive oil, coconut oil, or even castor oil. These oils help to moisturize and alleviate the dryness of the skin caused by skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, and skin allergies. The main ingredient in store bought or dermatologist recommended creams and lotions is water. Much Better than water is the use of Goats milk and even Oat milk in products that are made to address skin sensitivities. Goats milk for example has been known to help the skin. How one might ask? Goats milk not only contains vital nutrients like vitamins and minerals, but also contains naturally occurring lactic acid. These naturally occurring elements bring needed nutrition to the skin.
The same is true for products containing Oat's milk that are made with healthy oils such as olive oil, coconut oil, and castor oil. Oats milk bring nutrition to the skin and is gentle and soothing on the skin.
The magic in Tierra Mia Organics products is no magic at all, but only real and simple ingredients like fresh raw Goats Milk or freshly made Oat Milk along with real oils to help moisturize and alleviate sensitive skin. Our soaps are made using the oldest method of making soaps. Our Face and Body products are made using real oils and Fresh Goats Milk and Fresh Oat's Milk
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