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Tierra Mia Organics started with the simple goal of making natural products that are good for skin health. I combined my skin care knowledge with my love of organic ingredients to create these products for people who want and need to care for their skin in the healthiest way possible.

I formulate every product with the intention of making it safe enough to eat. Our soaps have no preservatives at all, and our lotions and creams have less than 1% of preservatives, no parabens, no sulfates, no petroleum, and no synthetic oils or fragrances.

I've worked in the skin care field for over 27 years as a licensed esthetician. And 20 years ago, I decided to transition my practice into holistic and natural skin care. I saw so many of my clients experience positive results, but it was difficult to find enough quality products that avoided harsh chemicals. That's when I realized I would need to take matters into my own hands, by learning how to make products that were safe to use and good for the skin; products that would help my clients achieve healthy and vibrant skin without harsh chemicals or additives. I discovered quickly that Goat's Milk and Oat Milk would be the key ingredients, because of the rich nutrients these two milks contain and how they interacts with our skin.

I purchased my first goat Millie in 2008 so that I could have my own supply of fresh raw goat's milk.

Tierra Mia Organics began with a single intention: to provide skincare products that would be simply made and crafted with amazing nutrients.

Making skincare products with goat's milk was, to my knowledge, the next best thing to drinking it. Applying it to the skin—our largest organ—had exciting potential. I'd always spoken to my clients about maintaining their body's natural balance, and here was an ingredient— raw goat milk —that had nearly the same pH as human skin, which is crucial to it's unique ability to help skin. It's why it's so beneficial for problem skin like acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and rosacea.  And now we've added Oat Milk Products to the line of products because of the many nutrient rich benefits Oat Milk offers.

Having our own goat to ensure the quality of the milk was key. So we would need to milk, feed, and care for the goats ourselves. We're proud to say that we don't out-source our milk. Sadly, Millie is not with us anymore, she passed away in 2017 and I still miss her. But we have other wonderful goats that have joined our family over the years!   And now three very loved Finn Sheep

I love what I do and I feel blessed every day doing it. I am so grateful and feel so blessed to have the beautiful gift of Tierra Mia. I'm eternally thankful for the adorable and gentle creatures I get to work with every day. Seeing them every morning, saying hello to them, and saying I love you to every single one of them (even the boys Lance and Knightly—our two breeding bucks) hasn't gotten old at all.
Our face creams continue to help many women with skin conditions like hormonal acne, eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, oily skin—all imbalances that goat's milk helps control. When all of the world finds out our "secret," we'll be ready to help them all. For now, those that know about us here in the U.S., continue to use our products loyally, as do our dedicated fans across the globe in places like Japan, South Korea, the Persian Gulf, Taiwan, Spain, and Canada—the number of users grows everyday.
Tierra Mia Organics products are available through our online store across the country.  And we really appreciate these customers who buy directly from us so much that we are continuously sending out newsletters with informative ways of keeping skin healthy and and offering special discounts. If you are now just finding us and want to know what we're all about, I welcome you to look around and see why our products can help you. If you're already a patron of our natural products, we thank you for trusting us with the health of your family's skin!

And May our Lord Jesus Christ bring everyone reading this to His saving knowledge and grace! 

Proverbs 27:26-27

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