Why use goat milk skincare products?

Goat milk is very gentle and has a pH level that is very near to that of human skin. It contains Caprylic Acid, a form of alpha-hydroxy acids, which aids in cellular renewal. These gentle acids naturally exfoliate the skin, removing dirt and dead skin cells, leaving behind beautiful healthy new skin. The pH and gentle nature of the acids make it great for your skin—sensitive or not.

Goat milk contains naturally occurring alpha-hydroxy acids. These types of acids are a staple in skincare—from acne to anti-aging products. They are commonly extracted from milk, fruits, or plants, and are added to skincare products. Goat milk naturally has these sought-after acids which brighten the complexion by eliminating surface layers for dead skin cells, revealing radiant new skin cell layers. This is especially beneficial for aging skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and dull skin.

Human skin is slightly acidic, with a 5.5 pH balance.Goat milk, with a pH of 6, lines up closely to our human skin whereas most store-bought soaps have a pH of 9 or 10. When our bodies come in contact with substances too alkaline, the skin becomes dry and sensitive. The effects are clinically correlated with eczema, inflammation, wrinkles, psoriasis, abrasions, rosacea, and sagging skin.

Antimicrobials and Vitamins A and B are packed in fresh goat milk and they have a naturally regenerative effect on the skin. While Caprylic acids scrub away dead skin cells, vitamins promote growth of healthier, more youthful looking skin. Scientific studies on Vitamin A consistently show that it reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Goat milk has been used for centuries as a home remedy to treat issues ranging from indigestion to asthma. So long as it's not pasteurized, it's the milk of choice for those suffering from lactose-intolerance.
Around the world and throughout history, people have more commonly drunk goat's milk over any other animal's, including cow's milk.
We milk, feed, and care for the goats ourselves. We have about a dozen precious goat friends that live and graze on our land. Our beehives are kept on farms that do not spray pesticides and where the farmers truly care about the health of their crop, thereby supporting our efforts. We personally care for the bees, harvesting the honey in the spring, and fortifying the hives in winter.