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Our Oils LOVE your Skin!

July 27, 2015

Our Oils LOVE your Skin! - Tierra Mia Organics

Summer Sale!!!!        Summer is coming to an end - so we want to offer our last sale of the year to our wonderful customers  of 20 % off on select products  Use the word "SUMMERSALE" to get your special pricing!

Most commercial products claim to have cleaning and moisturizing capabilities, but read the fine print, if the product in your hand contains words that are foreign and unpronounceable, the claims of HEALTHY skin & hair just aren't true.  

Remember - 60% percent of what you put on your face is absorbed into your body as well. 

Many customers have asked us how we came to choose the oils used in our soaps and lotions, and that’s a great question. The choice for our ingredients was not by chance.  Below is a list of oils we use and why we use it. 

Castor OilThis oil is very thick, making it a good sealant to lock in moisture and to smooth severely dry skin, even calluses. It has been used as a topical remedy for skin tags, moles, skin irritations, minor cuts and to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.  Castor oil has also been found to have antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help treat a variety of skin conditions and add moisture and elasticity to your skin.


Cocoa Butter: Cocoa Butter helps the skin in many ways. It is frequently recommended for eliminating stretch marks and scars. Even plastic surgeons have advised their patients to use cocoa butter on scars. Cocoa butter also has a reputation for working magic on problem skin and conditions such as eczema and dermatitis. Its creamy thick consistency lubricates and protects the skin.

Coconut Oil:  Easy to absorb, this oil aids in healing, repairing and the removal of dead skin cells, leaving the skin smoother. Coconut oil penetrates the deeper layers of the skin and strengthens the underlying tissues. It is also said to prevent destructive free-radical formation and provide protection against them.  It is credited with helping to prevent liver spots, sagging, wrinkling, fungal and bacterial infections, and blemishes caused by overexposure to sunlight and aging.  It is used for the treatment of psoriasis and eczema.


Evening Primrose Oil: Omega 6 is the essential fat that holds one of the most important keys to skin health. Omega 6 gets converted into a substance called Gamma Linolenic acid, or GLA. GLA is also found in Evening Primrose oil. Evening Primrose oil is capable of influencing a number of important skin parameters.  Some include - water loss reduction, which means the skin cell is capable of holding onto moisture naturally. Elasticity and fatigue resistance - the skin easily jumps back to its natural position, when it was touched or moved, which occurs during normal day to day activities. The skin becomes more firm with regular use, reducing the look of sagging skin.


Jojoba Oil: This light cosmetic oil is easy to absorb, nourishing and hydrating the skin to keep it soft and pliable. It's reported to reduce pore size with regular use. It is similar to human sebum and will create a protective layer over skin without aggravating acne skin. Jojoba oil can also help to break up sebum in clogged pores.


Olive Oil: This oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties due to its high concentration of polyphenols and a substance known as oleocanthal. Inflammation is thought to play an important role in skin aging. There are a variety of antioxidants in olive oil including Vitamin A and E but the most potent compound is hydroxytyrosol. Hydroxytyrosol is a very rare but potent antioxidant found in olive oil that prevents free radical damage on skin cells. This compound also absorbs deeply into the skin and is suitable for all skin types.. Olive oil is one of the most sought after natural oils for skin care. In fact olive oil has been used as an ancient remedy for skin care during the Egyptian civilization and it is still widely used today. Uses include stretch mark therapy, acne therapy and anti-aging therapy for a long time.


Rice Bran Oil: The squalene present within this beneficial oil from the husk of the rice grain has been long believed to reduce all of the tell tale signs of aging from the skin.  Its natural exfoliate properties help to clear up the complexion, leaving smoother, clearer and younger looking skin. The presence of a number of essential fatty acids add extra moisture, while oryzanol found in this oil contributes to its ability to slow the progress of melanin pigmentation by intercepting the ultraviolet rays at the skin's surface. Oryzanol is often seen in sunscreen thanks to this ability. It is also able to protect skin lipids from oxidation, and is used to prevent freckles, age spots, and darkening of the skin. This oil is used as a "carrier agent" for blending all of our oils together and providing quick absorption to your skin.

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