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Skin Care in Cold Weather Part 3 - Your Feet & Body Butter

December 30, 2020

Body Butter

Feet are one of my most favorite parts of the body. Why, you ask? Mainly because they give me so much—they have literally carried, and will continue to carry me throughout my life. I am so grateful to them, for all they do, for all they empower me to do. That’s why I’m always sure to treat my feet with the love and care they deserve, and for us at Tierra Mia Organics, that means body butter!


It’s funny, most of us spend the majority of our time and money caring for our faces, and giving it special attention, because it’s the first part of the body we see in the morning, and the last one we see before retiring for the night. Day in and day out we find ourselves taking the utmost care to preserve our face, and I imagine most us tend to ignore our feet. Poor tootsies! And yet, have you noticed how crucial our feet are to our well-being? If your feet are cold, your whole body feels cold too; when your feet are tired, your body becomes weary. So let’s dive in feet first into why it’s important that we pay special attention to our sweet feet.  


Why are feet important?

As previously mentioned, feet carry the weight of the body. We need all ten of our toes to be healthy and feel strong, as that will give us proper balance for walking and standing! Did you know? Our feet can tell us a lot about our health. A person with diabetes shows early signs of disease through their feet. Or, some people suffering from neuropathy first show signs of nerve damage in their feet. Our feet tell us a lot, and so keeping them healthy and happy will not only give us greater comfort, but it’ll keep us informed of anything that may be going on under the surface.


Keeping your feet healthy—Winter Care

During colder and drier winter months, we tend to wear thick socks to keep our feet warm, but that also prevents the feet’s skin from breathing, which can cause foot and toenail fungus. As you can imagine, the warm fuzzy socks we use also have a tendency to rob our feet of moisture. Have you ever noticed your heels feeling dry and cracked even when it’s not sandal season? The good news is, you can take care of that right in your own home! We recommend a weekly regimen of foot pampering for best results:

  1. Soak the feet once a week in warm water with one tablespoon of bath salts.
  2. Keep the feet soaking for 10-15 minutes, and then massage the feet with a moisturising foot scrub. We recommend mixing one tablespoon of sugar with one of our body butters to make your own foot scrub at home! Once you’ve given both feet a good massage, add your feet back to warm water to rub the scrub off, and then towel dry.
  3. At this point your feet will feel invigorated and very loved. The final step is to  massage the feet with a little body cream or body butter into the heel and ball of the foot and sides of the feet and then slip them into some cozy slippers. 
    **Please note** Massaging the feet is not just for fun, but for the health of your feet.  Massaging stimulates blood circulation to nerve endings, not to mention it works to help strengthen your feet’s muscles! 

    What’s the use of having a pretty face if your feet ache, right? That’s why here at Tierra Mia Organics, we’re focused on providing you with healthy skin tips for your entire body, from head to toe! 

    And since we want to ensure you’re able to give your feet (your whole body!) the care they deserve, we’re offering you all a Winter Skin Care discount! That’s right, for every body butter or body cream that you buy, you will get a 2nd one at 40% off!! Treat yourself, your body, and your feet to some much-deserved TLC. Simply use promo code “WINTERSKIN40” to unlock those savings! Hurry, offer ends on 1/6/2021!

    If you're looking for more skin care tips, we've got just the ticket! Have a listen to our skin care podcast by clicking this link, and be sure to check back, we'll be adding more and more content!

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