Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye… our home and California, but not to our family and that includes our Tierra Mia Organics family of wonderful people who love and use our products.
Over seven years ago, during one of the worst economic downturns in America, my mother’s skincare business was slow. Few families spent their earnings on facials and skincare when times get tough. Having been in the beauty service industry for 20 plus years, my mother had seen hard times before and she knew how to brave business drought. Change gives shape to new things and for my mother, Sylvia, it led to combining her love of skincare, health and alchemy and making soaps.
There are a lot of stories to tell, about our family and this small business, but I’m going to skip ahead and save those stories for another time.
Today our little manufacturing shop feels like a coat closet. We’ve built shelves out and up, but what we have needed for some time cannot be bought at a hardware store. The day came long ago, when we realized we had out grown our work-shop. 5 years ago, while I was away in New York City, never dreaming I would join the effort full time, mom rented this space. It seemed bare but filled with possibilities, now the space is tight and the only possibility of growth meant moving.
More-over, the land in which we now live and keep our goats is also leased. With the lease are many limitations, on how many goats we can have and what we can do on the property.
My mother, has known for a while she wanted her own place, a farm, where everything could be done in one place.
After more than a year of searching for our new home, our dream has finally come true. We found our home, where the goats can live, where we can live and where we can also make our products. We are relocating this May. Dreams require nothing more than an active mind, reality requires an active body, soul and lots of patience and faith. It has not been an easy journey growing this small business and even now in the midst, of a great turning point, the stress feels like it may fracture our entire lives.
Even now as I write this message, the cat is meowing to be fed…I’m late to get to the shop to package products and pack moving boxes and I can barely keep my train of thought focused long enough to finish this paragraph that I write to you from a crowded kitchen table.
Let’s move onto the facts, shall we?
Why are we moving?
It is difficult to part with our home where you’ve made lasting memories and friends. We love California and we never wanted to move away from our great friends and family here, but we did not own a home. We leased both our land and business space and when it came to buy; it simply did not make financial sense to stay in California.
Where are we moving?
El Paso, Texas is our new home. Had you asked just a few months ago, I would not have guessed it, but this is where our search has brought us. Our new address will be posted on our website.
How will this effect orders?
From April 28th to May 8th we will be not be shipping or processing orders. During this time, yours truly will be unpacking and setting up a brand new workshop. Our website is also getting an over-haul. After May 8th, orders will resume as usual. We will still be doing free shipping on orders over $35 and if you live in California, you now will not be paying tax on your future orders. Other than that, nothing will be changing and orders will be processed as usual. We will be back in time for Mother’s Day.
What’s next?
We still have, what feels like, no short of a million things to do before we move. The move means a bigger facility to work out of and also means that our small business can run smoothly, fingers crossed, so that we may continue to be a small business that does big things. One-site for our home, the goats and our work-shop creates so much efficiency for us. We have lots of new products in store for you.
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